Friday, December 12, 2008

UBC VFM status & future

I sent this email to the AMS execs this morning:

from Mark Latham

to Michael Duncan ,
Stefanie Ratjen ,
Tristan Markle ,
Alex Lougheed ,
Chris Diplock

cc Bruce Krayenhoff, Matt Naylor, Kyle Warwick

date Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:42 AM

subject VFM status & future

TO: AMS Executive Committee

I'm grateful to the AMS for working with me on voter funded media test implementations for the past two years. I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, and am now designing the next-generation VFM platform. It'll probably take a few months before we roll out the first release of that – I'll let you know.

Meanwhile I plan to continue sponsoring and administering VFM at UBC, at least until the next AMS election, which I guess will be about the end of January 2009. During January, I'll sponsor $200 per week of awards. You (or the AMS Elections Committee) may want to consider funding an increase in those awards, to give UBC media more incentive.

You may also want to consider funding VFM beyond January 2009. If you fund it, I'm willing to administer it. But even without awards, I might continue with a monthly vote on UBC media ranking.

UBC VFM info page:

VoterMedia Democracy Blog:

-- Mark

Mark Latham - Founder,
"Media for voters, funded by voters."
Email: mark[at]

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