Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Discuss VFM in our video shoot at UBC AMS Council Chambers this Friday 6:30pm-8:30pm [#ubcvotes]

UBC AMS is letting us use their Council Chambers (Student Union Bldg room 206) to shoot a video of students talking about voter funded media. We'll edit it to show at

So join us there this Friday April 30, any time from about 6:30pm to 8:30pm, and share your thoughts!

You could talk about:
  • VFM -- what is it? [for newcomers to the website]
  • Your experiences with VFM
  • How does it affect UBC students? What difference does VFM make?
  • Pros, cons, how to improve it
  • Future of VFM at UBC and elsewhere -- other student unions, municipal politics etc.
Ideally, please email me (mark[at] to say you'll be there; or you can just show up. (Also, we'll probably do another shoot elsewhere at UBC the next day around 5pm.)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Interview you at UBC this week for video on VFM? [#ubcvotes]

What do you think of VFM at UBC? We're shooting some videos for our website How about sharing your views with the world?

We plan to get out to UBC to interview people this week. Possible days/times are tomorrow (Tuesday) evening from 6:30 pm on, or this Friday from 6:30 pm on, or Saturday any time.

Outside of that, most weekday evenings or weekends are possible if you can drop by my place in Coal Harbour (near Burrard skytrain station).

Let me know by email to mark[at] -- thanks!

BTW voting on blogs continues at

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Analyzing 1-time vs Continuous VFM results

Here are two spreadsheets showing some analyses of the results of UBC's two voter funded media competitions that we ran in January 2010:
Sorry I haven't taken the time to explain them in detail. Feel free to ask questions in your comments, or email them to me -- mark[at]