Thursday, November 22, 2007

VFM Status Updates

Voter-funded media implementations are moving ahead at several universities --

1. Simon Fraser University: Now launching year-round online VFM system – see Please spread the word to potential media entrants.

2. UBC: I don’t know what’s happening here. If anyone knows, please update me and I’ll post some info. There was supposed to be a contest launched before now, but I haven’t seen any sign of it.

3. Western Washington University: Elections Coordinator Ben Murphy will make a VFM proposal to WWU Associated Students Board of Directors on November 28 (I’ll attend).

4. U C Berkeley: I spent a week there in October. Met ASUC External Affairs VP Danny Montes. He likes the idea of year-round online VFM and will discuss with other executive officers. A professor sponsored me for a computer account, and I’ve built a prototype online voting system at (need login for access).

5. BCIT: Had several positive meetings with student reps. They like the VFM idea and are considering ways of implementing it.

6. Kwantlen University College: Had several meetings with student reps. Some like the VFM idea better than others. Still under discussion.

You can discuss VFM with students at various universities in the votermedia Google group.

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